Monday, June 29, 2009

Saat Samundar Paar

Hey all,

I am leaving for U.S. in half an hour!!!!!
Though I cant wait to get there, at the same time I cant wait to come back and be with everyone again.
Going "saat samundar paar" (I really dont know which saat samundar we are going to cross:) )
My next blog will be from my sis's place. See everyone then :)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Leaf left because of Wind's pursuit or maybe because the Tree didnt ask her to stay....

Disclaimer: The image is freely available on net. The story is not my own creation but I heard it from a friend, Priyanka, who in turn had read it in a mail.

"The Leaf left because of Wind's pursuit or maybe because the Tree didnt ask her to stay...."

Once upon time there was a Tree and a Leaf. Both had been the best of friends. The Leaf harboured special feelings for the Tree though the Tree did not know this. He was very popular and considered the Leaf to be his BFF (Best Friend Forever), nothing more. The Leaf was a very simple girl who always hoped that one day she and the Tree would be together.

Then one day the Tree found a girlfriend. The Leaf was heartbroken though she supported the Tree in his pursuit of love. But as the Tree's relationship with his girlfriend blossomed the Tree and the Leaf grew apart.

Enter our hero, The Wind. Now, the Wind was a very nice guy who had fallen in love with the Leaf. Very soon he found out that the Leaf loved the Tree, but he did not give up on the Leaf. He pursued the Leaf to come with him and start a new life.

Meanwhile the Tree broke up with his girlfriend. The Leaf supported him throughout this difficult time, but still the Tree did not say the thing that the Leaf wanted to hear.

By the time the Tree realised that he loved the Leaf she had decided to go with the Wind. So the Tree heartbroken did not say anything. And the Leaf left with the Wind.

The Leaf left because of Wind's pursuit or maybe because the Tree didnt ask her to stay....